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SK On Hungary has a long-standing relationship with the Hungarian Red Cross Komárom-Esztergom County Organization, since in recent years we have worked together in the organization of donations, children’s camps and blood donation events. The latter has become a tradition: as it is happening at least twice a year in spring and in autumn.

As always, the recruitment drive proved that many people want to do good, as the pre-registration places for the blood donation day in early November were filled in two days. Between 12:00 noon and 15:00 p.m., 40 employees from Komárom were able to donate blood, showing a clear sign of solidarity and community responsibility.

Of course, the noble deed was not without gratitude, as the blood donors were rewarded with soft drinks and chocolates, while the donors with small children received a children’s canteen and a food box courtesy of the Hungarian Red Cross Komárom-Esztergom County Organisation.

It’s also important to remember that donating blood can benefit not only others, but also your own life, by reducing your risk of heart attack, getting a free health check-up and also burning calories.

Reducing the risk of heart attack

Donating blood at least once a year has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack by 88%. This is because blood donation keeps the iron content of the blood under control, which is one of the essential components for the body to function properly. In the event of iron deficiency, anaemia can develop, leading to fatigue, dizziness, and weakness. However, excessive accumulation of iron can cause oxidative damage, which can lead to a heart attack. People who give blood regularly have faster blood regeneration. Blood can also flow better after donation, which prevents the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in-oxidation in the coronary artery walls. This can reduce the risk of heart attack, coronary heart disease and stroke.

Free health check

Before donating blood, anyone who wants to give blood is screened for health reasons, completely free of charge. In other words, they determine whether your blood and your body are suitable for donation. After the donation, the blood is also tested.

Burning calories

A single blood donation can help you burn up to 650 kcal. To summarise: an average casual workout burns 300 kcal per hour, an intense workout 500 kcal. So donating blood can also help with weight management, although it is important to drink plenty of fluids and eat something afterwards, especially if you are prone to fainting after donating.

We would like to thank everyone for their participation and selfless help, and we encourage colleagues to (also) participate in the next blood donation!