Our company already organised a voluntary waste collection action in Komárom in 2022, which was clearly an undivided success: in addition to the excellent atmosphere and community-building event, we joined forces for a noble cause, as we collected a considerable amount of waste on the banks of the Danube. Buoyed by the success of the 2022 event, we decided to organise the first similar event in spring 2023, which of course needed the support of the colleagues.

A total of 40 people registered for the event on 19 May 2023, which was helped by the excellent weather. Sunshine and almost summer-like temperatures set the stage for success.
This time, we chose the Jókai liget park, the heart of Komárom city centre, as the starting point for cleaning up the surrounding streets. At the beginning of the event, we also announced a challenge, as the participants who collected the most rubbish won a prize. Accordingly, at the end of the action, the weighing began and the three teams with the heaviest bags of rubbish were rewarded.
Mr. Moon Hang-ki, CEO of SK On Hungary – who actively participated in the litter picking himself – presented the prizes, thanking everyone for their participation.
“I think it’s important that it’s not just inside our factory buildings, but also to look beyond them to what is around us and to protect our natural assets. This is one of the reasons why we organised – not for the first time – our voluntary litter picking campaign.

Part of our company culture is to work in a clean environment with strict compliance and enforcement of rules. Among other things, we wanted to promote this outside the fences of SK On Hungary. I would also like to thank the more than 40 colleagues who contributed to this great action and set an example by showing the values represented by SK On Hungary to the people of Komárom.” – said Mr. Moon Hang-ki, CEO.
However, the recognition came not only from within, as it were, but also during the event, as there were passers-by who thanked us for our work.

“There have been a lot of events in and around Jókai Grove recently, so there has been a lot of litter. Thank you for coming and collecting it.” – our colleagues were stopped by these words.