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As small as Iváncsa is, they can organise big parties when it comes to community-building events. The town council takes special care to prepare programmes that can be interesting to all ages and to invite speakers that they – especially young people – are keen to listen to. Thanks to the excellent organisation, many people attended the two-day Village Day, where we, the HR department of SK On, were of course also present.

On Friday, August 18th, we set up our tent in Arany János street, almost directly in front of the newly opened and renovated Village Hall. Colleagues were ready with plenty of gifts for those who wanted to have fun and gave information for those who were interested in our job opportunities. The rows at the BSW concert on Friday, which attracted the biggest crowds, were already filled with SK fans and SK sunglasses, which came in handy in the heat, and party photos were taken with the selfie-bots we gave them, but of course the flyers sold out before the party really got going.

Saturday was even more successful, with people arriving as early as three o’clock, and on several occasions we saw long queues outside the SK tent. We noticed that the locals were generally positive about the factory and many were planning to register with us.

Some of them – especially those from more distant villages – had heard little about SK On, but after a few minutes of conversation, they too were encouraged to join the SK team.

It was a special pleasure for us to meet so many colleagues who are already SK members at the Village Day, and it was a great feeling to give you gifts and have a chat with you. We look forward to contributing to future events in Iváncsa, and we will always be able to spot more and more familiar faces in the crowd.